Sunday, May 25, 2008

Abject Failure?

After the abject failure of my Listening Tour, I have been considering about going on a tour with John Farnham, you know, Nelson & Farnsey: The National Tour or something like that.

I brought this idea up at the staff meeting this morning, and everyone was so impressed that they were unable to speak for several minutes. My media adviser, in particular, was so touched that tears sprang to her eyes and she had to leave the room to compose herself.

I have spent the day so far locked in my office, practising for the tour. Then the shocking news came - John Farnham's manager was in jail, and thus Farnham was incommunicado.

Wheatley in prison? I was shocked. So shocked I leapt to my feet and picked up the telephone.

"Operator, give me the number for John Farnham........Hello?"

No luck there. I hope Johhny reads this blog.

If you're out there, John, please contact me through the Australian Medical Association, of which I am a member because the prefix Dr. precedes my own name.

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